10 Simple Steps to Start Your Organizing Journey

So, you’ve organized your home and realized how much better you feel, the time it saves you on a daily basis, how functional systems help you and your family thrive…now what?  This is where the magic happens. To really reap the benefits of organizing, you have to take a close look at how you got there in the first place. Disorganization happens to all of us, but with the right systems and habits in place you will be well on your way to living clutter-free. 

  1. Take inventory of what you bring into your home on a consistent basis to make sure it serves a purpose
    1. If you are not conscious of your buying habits, you could end up with a home full of stuff you don’t even like or use.
  2. Develop a tidying habit in the morning and/or evening by walking through rooms and putting items back where they belong
    1. A clear space lends itself to a clear mind. There’s nothing better than waking up to a tidy living room and clean kitchen. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes at the end of the night and play an upbeat song to make this routine fun!
  3. Manage incoming paper by implementing a system (to do, to file, to recycle, to toss, to shred) + consider going paper-free
    1. Once you set up an easy-to-follow paper system, use services like to unsubscribe from junk mail.
  4. Reevaluate your “junk” drawer and think of it as a utility drawer with only your must-haves for easy access
    1. Things we often store in utility drawers include batteries, lighters, keys, spare change, note pads, pens, hand sanitizer, measuring tape, etc.
  5. Do less laundry by editing your family’s closet(s) every quarter before the change of seasons
    1. We often work with parents who feel like they are drowning in laundry, especially once their children start playing sports and wear multiple outfits per day. Editing regularly ensures that your kids stick to a simple wardrobe that they love and prevents the laundry from piling up too much.
  6. High-touch areas in your home are prime real estate (kitchen counters, office desk) so don’t let it get cluttered with items that aren’t useful
    1. Create a command center in your home so you can reduce clutter on your counters. In your command center, you can create a mail drop zone, a place to store returns, a family calendar, and so much more.
  7. Keep your linen closet neat by having two sets of sheets for each bed and four sets of towels for each person 
    1. You can organize these by room or by type of linen!
  8. Look through your spices + medicine at the end of each year and discard the expired ones 
    1. It’s best to avoid using expired medication as it reduces the effectiveness and can cause harmful effects.
  9. Scan your bathroom for unopened or barely used products and give them to a friend or family member who would use them
    1. We often try out different products, ultimately not liking some. Simply share them with a loved one!
  10. All those books you have tucked away or displayed on a shelf? Unless they’re used as a design element, consider donating to a local charity
    1. Now we’re not saying donate all your books, but if you have a lot of books lying around that you never use and don’t add to the vibe/design of your space, donate them so someone else can benefit from them!